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Version: v1.1.0



Command Cards provide a custom GUI to send command through Allxon protal. Send v2/notifyPluginUpdate to initialize. When you execute the Command from Allxon Portal, Plugin will receive v2/notifyPluginCommand, then send v2/notifyPluginCommandAck back to confirm the receive, finally, send v2/notifyPluginCommandAck to bring execution result back to Allxon Portal.

Here is a example:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "v2/notifyPluginUpdate",
"params": {
"sdk": "${OCTO_SDK_VERSION}",
"appName": "${PLUGIN_NAME}",
"epoch": "",
"displayName": "plugIN Hello",
"type": "ib",
"version": "${PLUGIN_VERSION}",
"modules": [
"moduleName": "${PLUGIN_NAME}",
"displayName": "plugIN Hello",
"properties": [],
"commands": [
"name": "say_hello",
"type": "asynchronous",
"displayCategory": "Action",
"displayName": "Say Hello",
"description": "Say hello to a person",
"params": [
"name": "person",
"displayName": "Person Name",
"description": "Person who you wanna to say hello",
"displayType": "string",
"required": true,
"defaultValue": "Buzz"


After click "Execute" button, Allxon Portal will send v2/notifyPluginCommand to Plugin:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "v2/notifyPluginCommand?authorization=$argon2id$v=19$m=64,t=16,p=8$YnFaWiIoX1ckSmE9Tkp5YQ$XLS6riVCcBj/EUr5lYnJ8Q",
"params": {
"appGUID": "a8e873a1-e5df-43a2-928a-745ff9c94dfb",
"moduleName": "plugin-hello",
"commandSource": "remote",
"commands": [
"name": "say_hello",
"params": [
"name": "person",
"value": "Buzz"
"commandId": "d0a0af987c17da435b2bc44dfbee8ffe90104f4f",
"epoch": "1664185099"

You may curious what's texts follow ? at highlight line. Octo SDK will verify this JSON is safe through these texts When you call Octo SDK JsonValidator::Verify().

Once we received v2/notifyPluginCommand, send back v2/notifyPluginCommandAck with "commandState": "ACCEPTED" to comfirm received with Allxon Portal.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "v2/notifyPluginCommandAck",
"params": {
"appGUID": "a8e873a1-e5df-43a2-928a-745ff9c94dfb",
"epoch": "1664250407",
"commandId": "c96a50867715c200fbea63b5898945512afd9409",
"commandSource": "remote",
"moduleName": "plugin-hello",
"commandState": "ACCEPTED",
"commandAcks": [
"name": "say_hello",
"result": {
"response": "Hello Buzz"

After finished your command task, send v2/notifyPluginCommandAck with "commandState": "ACKED" and contain execution result back to Allxon Portal.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "v2/notifyPluginCommandAck",
"params": {
"appGUID": "a8e873a1-e5df-43a2-928a-745ff9c94dfb",
"epoch": "1664250407",
"commandId": "c96a50867715c200fbea63b5898945512afd9409",
"commandSource": "remote",
"moduleName": "plugin-hello",
"commandState": "ACKED",
"commandAcks": [
"name": "say_hello",
"result": {
"response": "Hello Buzz"

There're other "commandState" can use: "REJECTED", "ERRORED"

If everything going well, command execute dialog on Allxon Portal will show up like this:
